The whole time we were playing and taking pictures I kept wondering when he would be able to sit on his own. Like every mother, I worry about his development. Then, on Thursday afternoon, my fears dissipated. I watched in sheer amazement as Johnny sat up completely unassisted for more than ten minutes. He played with toys I had scattered around him. He looked up at me and smiled. He leaned over and grabbed toys and then pulled himself erect again. He batted his arms and shrieked and laughed and never lost his balance. How does that happen? It is as if babies finally master things overnight!
A new mother's learning curve is steep, and I have certainly come to expect the unexpected. The most important lesson I have learned this week is to relax. I am not going to obsess over milestone charts anymore. I am going to appreciate the individual pace at which my son develops. Even though I was astounded when Johnny rolled from his tummy to his back at three months old, I am still waiting four months later for him to attempt the more difficult flip from back to tummy. I have been worrying he will never do this, and he may not. And so it seems he has mastered sitting up before rolling over. What of it? Nothing, I have decided! All that matters is Johnny is happy and healthy.
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